Who Queen Bee is...

Lynn with Ella

Hello and welcome! History teaches us that the people of this planet found ways to use the environment around them to survive- plant fibers and/or animal hide strips woven together to create useful items. This includes making cloth coverings for the body, creating means to carry more items from place to place, and larger coverings to protect them from the elements. When this country was discovered and settled, the womenfolk worked every bit as hard as the menfolk. Quilting Bees were established rather informally for the women and young girls to get together to teach skills and to socialize and fellowship with the other ladies of the communities, to share news, recipes, medicinal herb lore, and so much more.

That’s the biggest reason I began this company. I have only been quilting for about 3 years now, but I have found my Tribe! Quilters and Crafters are the most welcoming folks I have ever met. They ushered me in with open arms. They gave freely of their time and experience. I realized that the organized classes that I attended gave me time to meet and socialize with others who share the same love of creating that I do. Even though I paid to be in the class, I got so much more than I paid for each time! I wanted a way to expand my Tribe, so I started up my own company. I love being able to finish a project and know that I have created such a useful and lovely item. I know you take pride in the things you make, too.

I am like Shrek- an onion with so many layers! Originally from Kentucky, I moved to the Ft. Bragg area in 1983 and found that it suited my needs and desires better than my ultra rural hometown, so I stayed here after my Military service with the US Army as a medic ended. I have always worked in the medical field. I was a CNA, an ER Tech, Supply Tech, EMT and a Paramedic for a local hospital system for 28 years. I am a Registered Nurse who has specialized in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Telehealth medicine. I moved to Lillington in 2013 after marrying my soulmate, Kevin, and absolutely love this rapidly growing area. I have two boys and one doggo. My boys are grown and out on their own adulting and making me proud. The doggo, well he’s a mooch and always will be.

I once saw a quote from someone whose name I cannot recall that I like to apply to my life. Potted flowers should be repotted occasionally to bloom their best. I’m that potted flower. Stand back and watch me bloom bigger than ever before-Here I grow again!!

Roofus Dog Pic

Meet Roofus the Mooch!

Quilting is Truly Part of Our Heritage...Meet Our Great Great Grand Mother!

Great Great Grandma of Queen Bee Quilting

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